
Scot Holland | CB Richard Ellis, together with CB Richard Ellis USA, have announced the completion of a deal and signing of a Rental Agreement for warehouse space and office premises for Tomkins PLC in Baku, Azerbaijan. "Tomkins PLC" comprises 75 operating companies, more than half of which are U.S. residents. The state company "Tomkins PLC" (including the "Gates") has 60,000 employees worldwide. The core areas of the "Tomkins PLC" business include: - Food industry; - Industrial products; - Professional tools (including military arms), equipment for landscape management, leather products; - Devices for control of pumping liquids; - Milling and baking industry; - Industrial services. Taking into consideration the size, level and rate of international expansion of the Client, the completion of the transaction involved both Scot Holland | CBRE Kazakhstan and CB Richard Ellis USA. As a result of this transaction, a rental agreement for 2,500 sqm of open and closed warehousing space and office premises was signed.
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